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College Mixte La Fontaine in Bois Pin is located in the middle of the Island of La Gonave Haiti. This school was founded in July 2007.

In 2010 Mr Wilto and his wife Ginnette met a group of good heart people from Georgia and other states, they went to Haiti. After their visit they decided to help build the school. From 2010 to 2017 with the grace of God they finished it. These people are incredible and awesome. May God bless them abundantly.

At College Mixte La Fontaine we educate about 160 to 200 students each year. Our curriculum includes 3 preschool levels and 1st to 7th grade, which is nine (9) grade in USA. We have 14 employees, a director, a supervisor who's in charge to do seminar every 3 months for the teachers. A principal, nine teachers, two housekeepers one guardian.



Is to change the life of the helpless children in the village. School in Haiti are not funded by the government, students must pay to attend school. At our school, tuition, uniform and books cost about $110 US per student per year. In that village the average family earns less than $2 per day. Many earn way less than that. This makes it difficult for some children. The school is not completely free, because we believe that it is important for the parents to invest even a small portion in education of their children. They are more involved, which leads to better attendance and higher students achievement. But the student who is unable to pay the small portion that we required is still attended school without question. Because it is our main goal.


We believe that education is the key to open door of opportunities, also break the poverty in Haiti. We also created job for the educated Haitians who want to earn a fair average while staying in their village. In other to continue this important project, we need your financial support.

Right now it cost approximately $1100 per month operate our school. We also have future projects that will be completed once our operating budget for the year has been met. These projects will includes new benches for our classrooms , they will be use as chair and desk for our students. Our current benches are be coming worn. New benches made of metal and wood will last our students for year to come.

Graduation ceremony for our nine grader's students, completing any level of education is an achievement in Haiti when students complete grade six (nine grade in USA). We will be glad to congratulate them with a special event, honoring their achievement . There are many other activities, flag day celebration for all students. It is on May 18 each year, also it our culture and heritage for all Haitians. Most importantly scholarships funding for higher education. Many students do not attend high school beyond six grade(nine (9) grade in the USA) because it is too expensive and they have to walk very far to attend high school. As God bless us with fun, we would like to offer scholarship to help at least some of our graduate students to attend high school. One day we would like to expend our school to a higher level.

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